Effects of aqueous leaf extract of Telfairia occidentalis on haematological parameters and liver enzymes in male Wistar rats


  • IO Osonuga
  • AS Faponle Department of Biochemistry, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Sagamu Campus, Sagamu, Ogun State
  • EN Ezima
  • TK Adenowo
  • AA Adelegan




Haematological indices, Liver enzymes, Red Blood Cells, Telfairia occidentalis


Background: The leaves of Telfairia occidentalis (locally known as Ugu) are widely consumed as part of a staple in the southern region of Nigeria. Its nutritional benefits include its rich mineral contents and antioxidant properties. It has been suggested that the leaf extracts may affect blood parameters.

Objectives: To investigate the effects of aqueous extracts of T. occidentalis leaves on haematological indices and liver enzymes in rats.

Methods: Twenty-four male Wistar rats weighing between 150g and 200g were used for the study. They were categorized into four groups of six rats each viz: high-dose, medium-dose, low-dose, and control groups. The leaf extract was administered in doses of 300mg/kg, 200mg/kg, and 100 mg/kg, respectively, while the control group received distilled water rather than leaf extracts. 

Results: There was a dose-dependent decrease in the concentrations of liver enzymes and an increase in blood parameters. There was a significant difference (p = 0.000) in the mean red blood cells countof the control group (7.5±0.2×1012/L) compared to the low-dose group (9.1±0.1×1012/L), the medium-dose group (11.7±0.2×1012/L) and the high-dose group (13.3±0.2×1012/L).For the liver enzymes, there was a significant decrease in the mean AST levels in the high-dose group (42.8±3.5 IU/L), the medium-dose group (53.7±5.7IU/L) and the low-dose group (68.5±3.5IU/L) were compared to the value for the control group (88.6 ±2.5× 1012/L).

Conclusions: Using an animal model, Telfairia occidentalis may have hepatoprotective and haemopoietic properties.


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